
This is a website about eating, cooking, and shopping for food in Ridgewood, Queens.

Also please follow Ridgefood on Facebook & Instagram! Thx!

What people are saying about Ridgefood:

“And monitoring all the activity is dedicated food blog Ridgefood, to which locals turn for answers to such pressing gastronomic questions as “Where’s the nearest Greenmarket?” (the Saturday Youthmarket at Cypress and Myrtle) and “Which branch of Catania Bakery sells superior sfogliatelle?” (the one on Fresh Pond Road).” –New York Magazine

“Thank you for helping me find this place, Ridgefood—all the posts are great, you’ve totally enhanced my neighborhood dining experience, I look forward to more!” –Shana

“Ridgefood, a delightful food blog based in Ridgewood, Queens…” –QueensNYC.com

“Big points for not using the word ‘artisanal!'” –Storko

“good folks” –@tastoriaqueens

“I just discovered your site earlier today. It’s a goldmine!!” –‏@martemmm

“Best of the ‘Best of 2012’ Lists: ‘Tis that time of year, when “Top 10” listicles abound. But there’s so much good food in NYC — how could we pick just a few favorite restaurants or dishes? Instead, here are our picks … for our favorite “Best of 2012″ lists compiled by friends and fellow food bloggers/writers.” –@CitySpoonful

“…the Gates Burger thing is hilar. Love your blog.” –Sfera

“Yay! Very pleased that Ridgewood has its very own neighborfoodie blog now” –Rebecca

“It’s kind of like Meatloafing, but for Ridgewood.” –Curd

Get at us on Twitter and Facebook or email mollie@ridgefood.com.


Where did you take the header-image photo (i.e. the dancing ham)? Aneta Deli (690 Woodward Avenue). One of the best Polish lunch & dinner takeout places. Super cheap for a ton of food! And they sell bacon-flavored pretzel sticks, which are a hit at parties. (Update: Aneta Deli is now closed, as is the deli that replaced it. As of June 2018 the storefront is empty.)