An Exclusive Look Inside Cream

Cream A few months ago we got a sneak peek inside Cream, the ’90s-looking Latin sexyspot on Myrtle that never actually opened. Well, tonight at “Cream Restaurant,” the Myrtle Avenue BID will be co-hosting the second public workshop to review a preliminary design for the adjacent 71st Avenue Plaza, so we thought now would be a good time to show you what we saw behind those smooth, mysterious double doors.  Continue reading

Announcing the Ridgefood Grocery Shopping Tour! 8/31/2013

Ridgefood Grocery Shopping Tour

Hello, loyal reader! We here at Ridgefood have been digitally leading you around Queens’s most accessible polslavomexidoreanese neighborhood for a while, but now it’s time for us to give you the opportunity to follow us around in person!

That’s right: We’re giving a tour.

And not just any tour, but a RIDGEFOOD GROCERY SHOPPING TOUR. Have you always wanted to go into that Arab bodega and buy the groceries in the back, but you’re not sure how to use them? Do you need a step-by-step introduction to the glorious wonder that is Parrot Coffee? Do you know which fruit stand sells pristine Halal meat in the back? Are you confused about which Polish drink syrup to buy? Do you want to walk around the ‘hood, talk history and recipes, and eat sausage sticks from Morscher’s with the ladies of your neighborhood food blog on a sunny summer day?

THEN THIS TOUR IS FOR YOU. Continue reading

Hello Ridgefood Neighbor: Henry



Every once in awhile we’ll feature a Ridgewood resident and get his or her take on the neighborhood’s best spots to eat, shop, and hang out. Meet Henry, a “true local” who’s traveled around the world!

Tell us about yourself!

My name is Henry Chelune, Jr. I am a married 28-year-old college student. I am currently a senior at Lehman College, CUNY. I am majoring in history with a minor in Middle School Education. I am also a veteran of the U.S. Army — I did one tour in Afghanistan from 2010–2011. Lastly I am a foodie!  Continue reading