Prosciutto Two Ways at Morscher’s Pork Store

Prosciutto from Morscher's Pork Store

We recently stopped by Morscher’s Pork Store on Catalpa to procure some ground pork for Vietnamese BBQ pork meatballs (details in a future post entitled “Turning Vietnamese: How We Suddenly Started Eating Vietnamese Food Pretty Much All the Time”). Feeling especially piggy, we also picked up two different types of prosciutto, both of which were excellent. Prosciutto is sort of an entry-level charcuterie in that you might find it on a panini in your local coffeeshop, but it gets way better than that*. Enter Morscher’s prosciutto.

Occasional Ridgefood contributor Ari hipped us to the rice flour–coated prosciutto that’s pictured above. It’s snowy white and impulsively perched above the front counter. Behind it sits the “regular” prosciutto (the Morscher’s guy didn’t provide an official name), which is a more traditional hammy color. Both types cost $11.99/lb, which is quite reasonable!

Prosciutto from Morscher's Pork Store

Taste test: “regular” prosciutto on top, rice-flour prosciutto on bottom. The younger counter guy told us the two types of prosciutto were the same except that one has the coating and the other does not. I think he was trying to be helpful and simplify things for us, because in reality, they are very different; the rice-flour kind is more dry and chewy, whereas the other variety is softer and a bit fattier. We liked both types, though the rice-flour kind wins in the uniqueness category; it’d make a nice host(ess) gift for all you partygoers.

Morscher's Pork Store

Meat awaits you: bacon, salami, sausage, many cuts of pork and beef, BEEF TARTARE

Morscher's Pork Store

What else is good at Morscher’s? We’re dying to try their beef tartare and steak burgers.

*Did you know that Norma’s uses Morscher’s ham in their flaky ham and cheese pastries? To boot, they recently started serving panini and they actually look really inventive and tasty. We need to try one asap!

And don’t forget to mark your calendars: Delivery Man, starring Vince Vaughn and filmed at Morscher’s (check out our exclusive paparazzi vid), opens October 4.  IMDB sez: “A former sperm donor finds out years later that he fathered hundreds of kids and now many of them want to meet him.” Ok!

Morscher’s Pork Store

58-44 Catalpa Avenue [map]
(718) 821-1040


59-02 Catalpa Avenue [map]
(347) 294-0185

6 thoughts on “Prosciutto Two Ways at Morscher’s Pork Store

  1. Another awesome thing about Morscher’s: if you like Bosna burgers, they sell the same meat blend there, in patties, under the name “Andy’s Burgers”. They are not quite as large as the Bosna kind, which is probably a good thing.

    • Their burgers have a smoky flavor that you just can’t match. Even if you pan fry them it will taste like you grilled them. No Ridgewood BBQ should go without them.

    • Holy Crap! That is exciting news 🙂
      I’m always craving bosna burgers, but went gluten and cow-dairy free, so it would be nice to make it at home with GF pita and goat cheese feta from Parrot Grocery.

  2. I love Morscher’s and highly recommend their steak burgers for a barbecue. They’re a special treat.

    I also like the sausages they make (all varieties – you really can’t go wrong at Morscher’s).


    Glendale is hungry…

  3. Next time you visit Morcher’s pick up a bottle of A. Bauer’s mustard with horseradish. Made right here in Ridgewood on Metropolitan Ave for a long time. Its a great local product.

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