Himalayan Explosion Continues: Nepalese Restaurant to Open on Seneca Ave

Golden Star Chinese restaurant

Editor’s note: We originally reported that the new Nepalese Indian restaurant would be called “Mt. Everest.” It has since been changed to “Nepalese Indian Restaurant.” We have updated this post to reflect the new name. For a more detailed explanation … Continue reading 

Om My! Tibetan Cuisine Coming to Venditti Square


Happy Tibetan New Year


Update: The Tibetan restaurant never opened, and you can now find a men’s clothing store, Big Poppa Styles, in its place. -The Mgmt.

Yesterday while strolling through Venditti Square, a cheerful sign in the window of No. 1 Fusion caught our eye. It read “Happy Tibetan New Year.” The heartfelt yet untimely sentiment — Tibetans celebrate the new year (losar) in February and March — suddenly endeared us to this Chinese restaurant that we assume is shitty, so we ventured inside.  Continue reading

The Gates Burger Mystery: Solved!


gates burger


BREAKING NEWS: The Gates Burger Mystery — we’re just going to go ahead and call it “Burgergate” — has been solved.

A quick summary for those of you who haven’t been following along: a few weeks ago, we noticed that a place called Gates Burger purports to exist in Ridgewood, but the only establishment at their address (17-01 Gates Avenue) is a bodega called Gates Deli. Naturally, we figured it was one big scandalous cover-up: Gates Burger was fake, the reviews were fake, and Gates Deli was delivering crappy food to non-discerning Ridgewoodites. It didn’t really make sense, and we weren’t sure that was the exact explanation, but we didn’t feel like dealing with it anymore and we let the mystery linger — Ridgewood would have to draw its own conclusions.  Continue reading

Get Drunk and Meet People at the First-Ever Ridgewood Bar Crawl

View Ridgewood Meetup Bar Crawl in a larger map

This Saturday, neighborhood social event coordinators Ridgewood Meetup will host the first-ever Ridgewood Bar Crawl. The event kicks off at Cozy Corner Tavern, a dive bar that touts its outstanding cheesesteak ($5.95). The full 10-bar lineup is below, and you can RSVP on Facebook. We’re not terribly familiar with bars in the ‘wood, so we chatted with Sarah Feldman, Ridgewood Meetup’s founder, about the crawl. She plans on trying the famed cheeseteak, so we’re eager to see if its deliciousness holds up even at the first stop of the night, pre–extreme drunkenness.  Continue reading

The Mitt Rumney: A Winning Beverage Named for a Loser

The Mitt Rumney

“We christened the drink the Mitt Rumney, in honor of the most bitter person we could think of.”

While recently in Zürich, Switzerland, my boyfriend and I spent a lot of time in our hotel room watching Al Jazeera. We have neither cable nor even a proper television connection at home, so when we holiday we tend to enjoy the slovenliness of eating in bed while watching the telly. (Don’t even ask about how this looks when we are in places with lots of deep-fried availability.) We enjoyed Al Jazeera’s alternate take on America’s election circus. They always find the craziest rednecks to interview, and the extremity of their views makes Romney appear to be the snake he actually is. We even got to watch the third-party candidate debate, in which the third-party candidates spent a lot of time talking about legalizing weed, even when the questions were about the deficit.  Continue reading

The Food Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy

Hey ya’ll. We feel so lucky that Ridgewood survived Hurricane Sandy without suffering any major damage. Neighborhood folks Ridgewood Beat have tweeted details about A LOCAL DROP-OFF LOCATION FOR DONATIONS. (Oh, and HERE’S ONE MORE.)

In regard to food during the storm: is anyone else on a post-hurricane diet? Here are a few of the things we ate in the 24 hours before, during, and after Sandy:


Monday, 4pm: Snickerdoodles

I grew up eating these cookies but haven’t had them in years. Nowadays I opt for cookies with chocolate, but I didn’t want to go back out and I had all the ‘doodle ingredients already on hand, so the decision was made. I followed this recipe for the most part, with the following modifications: Continue reading