The Mitt Rumney: A Winning Beverage Named for a Loser

The Mitt Rumney

“We christened the drink the Mitt Rumney, in honor of the most bitter person we could think of.”

While recently in Zürich, Switzerland, my boyfriend and I spent a lot of time in our hotel room watching Al Jazeera. We have neither cable nor even a proper television connection at home, so when we holiday we tend to enjoy the slovenliness of eating in bed while watching the telly. (Don’t even ask about how this looks when we are in places with lots of deep-fried availability.) We enjoyed Al Jazeera’s alternate take on America’s election circus. They always find the craziest rednecks to interview, and the extremity of their views makes Romney appear to be the snake he actually is. We even got to watch the third-party candidate debate, in which the third-party candidates spent a lot of time talking about legalizing weed, even when the questions were about the deficit.  Continue reading

Stuff We Like from Parrot Coffee



Hello again! Welcome to our new regular feature called “Stuff We Like from Parrot Coffee” (working on catchier name). We will periodically share several can’t-miss items from our favorite neighborhood grocery, Parrot Coffee — a modest little storefront on a sleepy stretch of Myrtle that features a dazzling array of homemade and imported goods from Europe, the Middle East, and the Balkans. Half the stuff we eat comes from here!

Our top picks from Parrot: Continue reading

Snax by Mollie at the Ridgewood Flea

Ridgefoodies! We’ll be selling various baked goods at the Ridgewood-Bushwick Flea tomorrow at the Onderdonk House! Come say hi and enjoy some snax (by Mollie). So far we’ve baked: black bean, butternut squash, and queso fresco empanadas; Secret Recipe Brownies; and cardamom-lime rice krispy treats. In the morning we’ll prepare chocolate chip banana bread so fleagoers can enjoy it warm. Free mini-Palmona (made from San Pellegrino Pompelmo, $1 at Paula’s Deli) if you mention Ridgefood!

Vander Ende-Onderdonk House

1820 Flushing Avenue [map]
(718) 456-1776

Paula’s Deli (CLOSED)

5533 Myrtle Avenue [map]
(718) 497-7815