Grover Cleveland Salchipapas Cart


The last couple of weeks have been very busy, not to mention rainy as all heck, so we’ve extended Food Cart Month into June. On Memorial Day weekend we double-Ecuadorian-carted it, first stopping by the cart outside the Grover Cleveland Park fútbol fields, and then the one near Food Bazaar. This was our first visit to the Grover Cleveland cart. The Mexican lady who runs it sets up shop every weekend, when the fields are full of hungry athletic folks. Grilled chicken & pork skewers and our old friend salchipapas are the main offerings here.  Continue reading

The Best Soup in Ridgewood at Cracovia Deli

It’s fall. Time for soup! On our way to Grover Cleveland Playground one day, we had a lucky encounter with perhaps the best soup in Ridgewood at Cracovia Deli. It’s a minimalist, sort of old-timey Polish deli with a surprising amount of homemade goodness for sale. The main draw is their rainbow of soups, including simply prepared sorrel, vegetable, mushroom, red borscht, white borscht, chicken noodle, and pickle — all $2. Continue reading