Taste of Ridgewood: Your Unofficial Guide

Taste of Ridgewood

Happy Spring! The Ridgewood YMCA gave us the final list of 20 restaurants participating in the Taste of Ridgewood on April 11th. Cuisines represented include West African, Indian, American, Bosnian, Vietnamese, American, Fitness, Tex-Mex, Nepalese, Pastries, Japanese, and German! We think … Continue reading 

Date Night in Ridgewood: Joe’s Restaurant


A dark and chilly night at Joe’s Restaurant on Forest Ave

“Quick! What’s a good date-night dinner spot in #Ridgewood?” we recently inquired on Twitter. Armed with several excellent possibilities, we bundled up and headed over to Joe’s Restaurant, an old-timey Italian joint on Forest Ave. We’d wondered about this place for awhile, as it has a bit of history: the original Joe’s, a few blocks down the street at 66-53 Forest, opened in the 1960s, and they moved into the current fancier digs about 10 years ago, according to the nice young man who served us. Continue reading